Product Defect Injury Lawyers in New Jersey

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.

Most of us buy some type of product every day, whether it is milk at the store, prescription medication or food items. We trust that the products we buy from retail stores and use will be safe for us and our children, yet each year thousands of people are injured by faulty or unsafe products. Sadly, according to the Consumer Protection Safety Commission, tens of thousands of children are injured and/or tragically killed as a result of defective appliances, televisions, cribs, car seats and strollers.

Many defective products are recalled every year for causing severe injuries and deaths. Virtually any product that you use or come into contact with may be the basis for a product liability claim if the product was defective and caused injury. A defective product could include a component of your automobile (seat belt, air bag, lift gate), appliances, toys, and most household products. 

At Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A., our product liability attorneys are well-versed in the laws that protect us against the harm posed by defective products. When a consumer sustains injury due to a defective product, a number of parties can be held liable for releasing a dangerous product to the public that they knew or should have known posed a risk to users. Depending on the nature of the defect, various parties could be held responsible under product liability law including the:

  • Manufacturer
  • Parts Manufacturer
  • Assembly Manufacturer
  • Packaging Company
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailer

Types of Product Liability Claims

Design Defect

If the design of the product is unreasonably dangerous or unsafe, the manufacturer, distributor and/or seller may be held liable.

Manufacturing Defect

If the product contains a defect that occurred during the manufacturing or assembly process, the manufacturer, distributor and/or seller may be held liable.

Failure to Warn and Inadequate Instructions

If a product does not contain any and/or has inadequate user instructions or safety warnings that lead to injury, the manufacturer, distributor and/or seller may be held liable for failing to adequately warn a consumer.

Do You Have A Product Liability Claim?

Under New Jersey law, if you or your loved ones are harmed by a defective product, the manufacturer, distributor, and/or seller of that product are strictly liable to you. This means that they are automatically responsible as long as that product did not reasonably perform as it should have and it was not misused by the user.

Our product liability attorneys have decades of experience in litigating product liability matters. Defective product cases are complicated and require dedication of time, resources and experts that a large firm can provide for clients. When you need a product liability lawyer to fight for you in your difficult time, contact a Wilentz personal injury attorney. 

You can request your free case consultation by calling our offices directly, or by filling out our contact form below.


Randall J. Richards Photo

Randall J. Richards
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team


Giovanni "John" Anzalone
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team