Car Accident Lawyers in New Jersey

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.

Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A. personal injury lawyers advocate for motor vehicle accident victims to improve chances of recovering full awards for our clients without any out of pocket fees. We have decades of experience representing motor vehicle accident victims and navigating the legal system in New Jersey. When you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, you want an attorney you can trust to pursue your claim.  Wilentz lawyers handle car accident cases every day, and know what they are doing and the best tactics for pursuing your claim. 

We Prioritize Your Car Accident Case and Implement a Personalized Approach

According to the latest New Jersey Department of Transportation statistics tracking injury crashes, there were 276,861 automobile accidents reported in New Jersey in 2019. These car accidents may have left victims with serious injuries, expensive medical and property damage bills, or resulted in fatalities. Too often our clients are not only physically injured, but are also frustrated, afraid and overwhelmed by the insurance process, medical bills, and lost wages. We want you to know that we will never generalize your case or forget your concerns when you retain our legal services. We will approach your case with a personalized approach, developing a strategy for your claim that is tailored to your unique circumstances and needs. Over our decades worth of experience pursuing car accident claims, we have come to learn that providing our clients with diligent personal attention matters, and we strive to provide the highest level of service. 

We Work on a Contingency Fee Basis

Working with Wilentz is the right choice after you have been injured in a car accident because, unlike other law firms in New Jersey, we do not charge up front fees. Most often, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means that we are only paid a fee when we recover money for you. Upon successful resolution of a case, any fees that we collect are based on a percentage of your recovery, so you can remain confident that you will be able to afford our legal services. We want our legal services to be affordable and accessible to all victims of car accidents.  However, a contingent fee arrangement is not required to work with us and, if you prefer to retain us on an hourly basis, we are happy to consider your case.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes When Involved In A Car Accident

Many people think that they can represent themselves on their own after a car accident. While there is certainly no law that bars anyone from doing so, choosing self-representation over the representation of an experienced personal injury lawyer is often risky; when people represent themselves, they are more prone to making costly mistakes throughout the process. Some of the biggest mistakes when pursuing damages after a car accident include:

1. Waiting too long to file a claim

You must notify your insurance company of your car accident and intention to recover damages as soon as possible. If you do not notify the insurance company within a reasonable amount of time, they will not have the proper amount of time necessary to investigate your accident, and may deny your claim as such. The specific amount of time you have to notify your insurance company is dependent upon your carrier. If you decide to file a lawsuit to recover compensation, you will also need to act promptly. In New Jersey you have two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit – after that, you forfeit your right to compensation.

2. Accepting a settlement the first time it is offered

Another error to be aware of is the act of accepting a settlement the first time that it is offered by an insurance representative. Accepting a first settlement offer from an insurance adjuster is usually not in your best interests because, the majority of times, first settlement offers are much less than the victim really deserves; the settlement is offered in hopes that the claimant will be desperate enough to accept anything that is proposed. The best thing to do, rather than to accept a first settlement offer, is to review a first offer and then negotiate for a higher amount that more accurately reflects your losses.

3. Failing to understand the laws surrounding car accidents and how to win a claim

Perhaps the gravest error that a car accident victim can make is failing to understand the laws surrounding car accidents and what is necessary to win a claim. Most people do not understand the theories and laws of negligence, comparative fault, damages, duty of care, statute of limitations, etc. on their own, nor do they fully understand the value of hiring experts to testify on their behalf. This can result in a person not receiving the appropriate amount of compensation.

When you work with Wilentz, our experienced New Jersey car accident lawyers will guide you through all aspects of the claims process, competently helping you to maximize compensation.

Determining Fault in a Car Accident – What You Need to Know

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in New Jersey, you will need to establish fault in order to recover compensation for your losses. If you wish to pursue a claim or lawsuit, it is important that you gather evidence to support your claim of negligence. Negligence is the failure to act with a reasonable degree of care, and may include driving after drinking, speeding, or running a red light. Types of evidence that can support negligence claims include physical damage, photographs of the accident scene, witness testimonies, and statements from accident reconstruction experts.

What Types of Damages are Recoverable in a Car Accident?

New Jersey’s no-fault laws also affect the types of compensation that you are permitted to seek in an accident. If you pursue a lawsuit against the other driver, you have the right to recover compensation for the full extent of your losses. This includes, but is not limited to, damages for:

1. Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering damages are two types of non-economic damages that are typically available to those victims who have suffered serious injuries, to the point that the injuries cause serious amounts of physical pain and emotional suffering, including the development of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

2. Medical Expenses

Those who are injured in a car accident typically incur high medical expenses, sometimes totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. Paying for these expenses out of pocket can bankrupt an injury victim, which is one of the reasons that it is so important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you to recover every penny owed to you to pay your medical bills.

3. Lost Wages

In many cases, persons who are injured in car accidents are physically unable to return to work following the accident. Sometimes, this inability to work extends for the duration of the individual’s life due to serious disability. If you are unable to work following your crash, our attorneys will help you to seek damages for the value of your economic losses.

Injured? How Our Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

At Wilentz, we take great pride in our long-standing client relationships in the personal injury field. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of our clients, helping them receive the proper treatment and care for their injuries, and dedicating the vast resources and legal expertise of our firm in order to secure the monetary recoveries they deserve.

For a free case evaluation or if you have questions about the law or your injury, please phone us directly using the phone number found on this page. Or, if you prefer to complete our free case evaluation form, our client relations representative will contact you as soon as practicable.

  • $12.5 million global settlement for victims of a truck/school bus accident
  • $9.3 million verdict for a 43-year old woman who suffered abdominal injuries and a fractured pelvis as a result of a head-on collision
  • $8.4 million verdict in a claim against a municipality for a passenger injured in an intersection accident attributable to a malfunctioning traffic light
  • $5.0 million global recovery for two occupants of an automobile struck by a garbage truck
  • $4.1 million settlement for young woman suffering from fractures of the ankle, wrist and leg as a result of a collision with a truck
  • $3.5 million recovery for bus driver involved in an intersection accident with an ambulance
  • $3.5 million recovery for pedestrian struck by a bus who sustained brain trauma with resulting mild, short-term memory impairment
  • $3.0 million recovery for a passenger suffering a C6 fracture in a roadway design claim
  • $2.6 million recovery for children of a family in an intersection accident/roadway design claim
  • $2.6 million recovery for a young man who lost an eye as a result of a one car motor vehicle accident
  • $2.3 million for a machine operator who underwent cervical and lumbar surgery for injuries sustained when his van was struck by a garbage truck
  • $1.4 million recovery for a woman who required a two-level spine fusion for herniated discs caused when her car was struck in the rear in automobile accident
  • $1.3 Million recovery for a 58-year old man who required a cervical fusion as a result of fracturing his neck when his car was struck in the rear by another car
  • $1.65 million recovery for a man suffering pelvic and leg fractures in a motor vehicle accident
  • $1.25 million recovery for a woman suffering a fractured leg in a motor vehicle accident

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.


Randall J. Richards Photo

Randall J. Richards
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team


Giovanni "John" Anzalone
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team