Medical Malpractice Lawyers in New Jersey

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.

When you are injured while under the care of a medical professional choosing to be represented by a lawyer may be in your best interest. At the law firm of Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A., our personal injury practice is among the largest in New Jersey. 

Wilentz personal injury lawyers are highly experienced and skilled in medical malpractice law. We have helped many victims recover the compensation they deserved after suffering a severe injury due to the errors of medical professionals. In addition to seasoned lawyers who are ready to advocate for you, our team includes investigators, nurse consultants, and medical and other experts who can help us to build a case to help prove that your injuries would not have occurred but for an act of malpractice. We are ready to represent you in regards to the following types of medical malpractice claims:

  • Anesthesia complications. Administering the correct dosage of anesthesia for a patient who is about to undergo surgery is critical. If the improper dosage is administered, the patient may be at a severe risk of adverse effects, especially patients with certain health conditions. Adverse reactions may include allergic reaction, bleeding around the spinal column, serious drop in blood pressure, seizures, nerve damage, and infection in the spine. In the most serious of cases, an anesthesia error can cause paralysis, coma, or death.

  • Birth injuries. For parents, there are few things worse in life than an injury to their child. Birth injuries – which refer to those injuries that are caused during the birthing process – are traumatic events for parents and can leave a child with long-lasting impairment. Some of the most common types of birth injuries include:

    • Brachial plexus injuries
    • Cephalohematoma
    • Traumatic brain injuries
    • Intracranial and subconjunctival hemorrhaging
    • Spinal cord injuries
    • Fetal Anoxia
    • Facial paralysis; and
    • Cerebral palsy

While there are some factors that increase a child’s risk of birth injury that are independent of a doctor’s action – such as the birth weight of a child – most birth injuries are caused because a doctor fails to take proper action in time in an emergency situation; takes the incorrect action; or uses too much force (i.e. uses a vacuum extractor to pull a baby through the birthing canal) during delivery. 

  • Cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a condition that is caused by the abnormal development of the brain. As a result of the abnormal development, the child is unable to control their muscles; the lack of control is permanent. As mentioned above, cerebral palsy is typically considered a birth injury, but it does not necessarily happen during the birth; instead, it may result during a lack of oxygen during gestation or immediately prior to birth. The specific cause of each case of cerebral palsy can be very difficult to identify, but scientists believe that a lack of oxygen during gestation – limiting oxygen to the brain, infections, and birth complications during birth, including uterine rupture, detachment of the placenta, or complications with the umbilical cord may all cause cerebral palsy.

    While cerebral palsy can certainly be difficult to detect, a medical professional has a duty to treat a pregnant woman who is suffering an emergency situation – such as placental abruption – with a high degree of care. If this level of care is breached, and the child suffers a brain injury like cerebral palsy as a result, the medical professional may be held liable for compensation.
  • Delay in diagnosis of cancer. Everyone knows how deadly cancer can be. Further, most people understand that the earlier cancer is detected, the sooner treatment can begin and the less likely the chances of the cancer spreading to other parts of the body. Because cancer multiplies quickly, detecting cancer at its early stages is often a patient’s best chance of survival. Despite how important early detection of cancer is for a patient’s survival, a diagnosis may be delayed because of a medical professional’s error. For example, a physician may misinterpret symptoms of cancer, thinking that the patient has a much more innocuous condition. Or, the physician may simply fail to order the proper tests (or correctly interpret test results), or fail to refer the patient to a specialist.

  • Emergency room mistakes. Emergency room errors occur with alarming frequency in the United States. Such errors may occur because emergency rooms are overcrowded and there is a poor nurse and doctor-to-patient ratio; as a result of communication errors between patients, doctors, and other staff; or simply as a result of working too quickly and making costly errors. Some of the most common types of emergency room errors include delay in receiving treatment, medication errors, releasing a patient too early, misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis. As a result of these errors, patients may suffer a number of adverse health events, which may result in increased medical bills or the need to return to the hospital, surgery that would have otherwise been unnecessary, or long-term complications.

  • Medication errors. Medication errors are a leading cause of medical negligence in the United States. These error types can affect patients of all ages and backgrounds, as well as those suffering from a number of different health issues. Types of medication errors include:

    • Prescribing the patient the wrong prescription
    • Failing to instruct the patient regarding how much, how often, etc. they are supposed to take the medication
    • Prescribing the wrong dosage of medication; or
    • Prescribing a medication that is dangerous for the patient due to the patient’s health condition or because of an interaction with another drug the patient is taking

It is not uncommon for a nurse, doctor, or pharmacist to confuse drug names – this is one of the leading causes of medical errors in New Jersey.

Medical professionals in New Jersey have a legal duty to act with a high level of care when treating patients; if they fail to exercise the same level of care that another medical profession in the same situation would, they have committed an act of malpractice, and they can, and should be, held liable.

Obtaining Compensation for Injuries Suffered Due To Medical Malpractice

A medical error can change your life as well as the lives of your loved ones. If you survive, it may be with serious mental and physical impairment; a medical error can result in a person being unable to return to work, to hold their children, to maintain relations with their spouse, or to even care for themselves without assistance. Further, a medical error can leave you with costly medical bills and no way to pay them.

Our Experienced New Jersey Malpractice Attorneys Are Ready to Go to Work for You

At Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A., our experienced New Jersey malpractice attorneys understand what you are going through, and know what it takes to build a successful case. There is nothing more terrifying than being injured by a medical professional you have entrusted to improve your health.  To learn more about medical malpractice laws in New Jersey and your associated rights, contact our experienced legal team today by phone, or fill out our online form for your initial and free case evaluation.


Randall J. Richards Photo

Randall J. Richards
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team


Giovanni "John" Anzalone
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team