Daycare Abuse and Neglect Lawyers in New Jersey

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.

Every day, many of us place our loved ones in the care of another. It may be a parent in a nursing home, or children in a day care or in a recreational program. Very often, our trust in those institutions is confirmed.  But when those to whom we trust our loved ones fail us, there is almost no greater pain and despair. If your trust has been violated, we can help. It is important that you act immediately.

Do You Have a Case For Your Abused Child? Find Out Today

If you are wondering whether or not you have a case, contact our law offices today. An initial consultation with a Wilentz personal injury attorney is free; we do not charge any upfront or hidden fees.

You can request your free case consultation by calling our offices directly, or by filling out our contact form below.


Randall J. Richards Photo

Randall J. Richards
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team


Giovanni "John" Anzalone
Co-Chair, Personal Injury Team