Thursday, November 14, 2019 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Wilentz Shareholder Brett R. Harris will present “Managing Technology in Communities” at the Ninth Annual NJICLE Community Association Law Summit. Ms. Harris, Chair of NJSBA Business Law Section and Past Chair of the Internet and Computer Law Committee, will address technology strategies for communities, including community websites, software solutions, social media, surveillance technologies, drones, cyber-preparedness and data breach response, as well as the next generation of technologies.
Presented in cooperation with NJSBA Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Section and the Community Associations Institute, New Jersey Chapter (CAI-NJ), this program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 8.2 hours of total CLE credit.
New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Brett R. Harris