Intellectual Property & Technology

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.

Second only to its human capital, in this digital age intellectual property and technology are a business’s most vital assets. At Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer, P.A., we understand the importance of working closely with our clients and helping them put their intellectual property to work to achieve a competitive edge. Today, significant advancements occur seemingly and being considered an innovator has shifted from remarkable to a means of survival, and procuring, enforcing and commercially leveraging IP and technology assets have necessarily become a paramount business priority, and one of the key ways to gain a competitive edge and establish fundamental value in the business.

We work side-by-side with our clients to understand their business models and objectives,  and provide advice and guidance to help them to develop and implement legal and business strategies to protect and maximize intellectual property asset value.

We provide representation in connection with licensing, technology transfers, brand development and asset mining and commercialization strategies. We are focused on providing cost-effective solutions that help our clients achieve their business objectives, while simultaneously protecting and maximizing the value of their intellectual property and technology assets, in addition to effectively enforcing their rights. Our team provides qualified legal representation in:

  • General intellectual property advice and counseling
  • Intellectual property litigation
  • Licensing
  • Due diligence
  • Trademark clearance opinions
  • Prosecuting trademark registration applications
  • Copyright
  • Software/Cloud services and solutions
  • Technology development, consulting and licensing agreements
  • Website agreements, terms and conditions of use, disclaimers  and privacy policies
  • Internet and e-mail privacy and security
  • Data/Cybersecurity
  • Trade secret protection and enforcement
  • Unfair competition
