Sources of Toxic Exposure

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Toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials are exceedingly common. They are found not only in industrial settings, but also in retail businesses, offices, residential structures, and the daily environment.

Occupational Exposure

A number of occupations require the handling of dangerous chemicals and materials. If workers are not provided with the proper safety equipment, or if the workplace does not have the right ventilation or the right disposal practices, exposure and injury may occur. Some products that can cause injuries include:

  • Cleaning solvents
  • Dry cleaning solvents
  • Spray paints
  • Paint removers
  • Dyes
  • Fuel, such as gasoline and kerosene
  • Degreasers and lubricants

Exposure in Retail Businesses, Offices, and Residential Structures

While many household products are packaged with proper warnings listed on their labels, individuals are still often exposed to harmful concentrations of various chemicals either at home or in the office. These chemicals can be found in some of the following products:

  • Oven cleaners
  • Bathroom cleaning products
  • Pesticides
  • Bug spray
  • Drain cleaners
  • Carpeting
  • Carpet cleaners
  • Furniture glue
  • Water repellents
  • Spray paint products
  • Mechanical cleaning products

Exposure in Daily Environment

The potential for toxic exposure in daily life is much higher than many people realize, because so much of modern life relies on processes that involve toxic chemicals and materials. If these chemicals and materials are not handled properly, exposure becomes likely. Some typical sources of toxic chemicals and materials include:

  • Gas stations
  • Machine shops
  • Dry cleaning stores
  • Landfills
  • Railroad yards
  • Oil refineries
  • Industrial waste

If you or a loved one has been exposed to harmful chemicals at work or in your home, or any other sources of contamination, you could be eligible to file a claim. Schedule a free consultation or phone a member of the Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A. team today.


Angelo J. Cifaldi Photo

Angelo J. Cifaldi
President and Managing Director; Co-Chair, Mass Tort/Class Action and Cannabis Law Teams

Lynne M. Kizis Photo

Lynne M. Kizis
Co-Chair, Mass Tort/Class Action Team