Subpoena Compliance and Grand Jury Investigations

Results achieved in prior matters are not meant to be a guarantee of success as the facts and legal circumstances vary from matter to matter.

Grand jury subpoenas are a common tool used by state and federal prosecutors and regulators and are issued to individuals and companies that may or may not have had any involvement in an alleged illegal activity. Oftentimes, subpoenas request documents to be produced in regard to a particular matter or business activity. This is a frequent occurrence in the healthcare and other highly regulated industries. Subpoenas are sometimes broadly worded and can very burdensome to respond to, but our criminal law attorneys are familiar with the best protocol to follow in responding to subpoenas and in negotiating agreements to narrow the scope of the documents to be provided. It is important retain legal counsel early on after receiving a subpoena, because properly clarifying the company’s association in an investigation informs appropriate response and may offer peace of mind to company leadership.

Our Criminal Law practice is among the most established state and federal practices in New Jersey. Our team is led by a certified criminal trial attorney and includes former prosecutors who have distinguished themselves in difficult and highly publicized cases. We have experience as legal advisors in connection with all aspects of responding to subpoenas, and are able to draft the necessary papers to file appropriate objections to overly broad subpoenas so the issue can be addressed by a judge when circumstances warrant. Ultimately, subpoenas are utilized in a wide range of investigations, including criminal tax matters, securities fraud matters, and healthcare matters.

Do not attempt to respond to a subpoena without sound legal guidance. Contact our experienced team today.


Darren M. Gelber Photo

Darren M. Gelber
Chair, Criminal Law Team

John E. Hogan Photo

John E. Hogan
Assistant General Counsel