Question of the Month: why did you become a trial lawyer


Trial Magazine

Lynne M. Kizis responds to Trial Magazine's “Question of the Month:  why did you become a trial lawyer?” In the July 2016 edition, Ms. Kizis responded, “[M]y grandfather worked in the Pennsylvania coal mines. I will never forget his story of collective dread and angst after cave-ins; how they happened because workers would ‘rob the pillars’ supporting the ceiling to get a little extra coal out of the mine, and how the mining company would leave the miner’s body on his front porch. By 8 years old, I understood corporate greed and callousness and knew that no one should have to die just to earn a living.”  Ms. Kizis has dedicated her entire professional career to vindicating the rights of victims and ensuring they are compensated for their losses.


Lynne M. Kizis Photo

Lynne M. Kizis
Co-Chair, Mass Tort/Class Action Team