Michael F. Schaff Will Moderate the NJSBA's 7th Annual Cannabis and Psychedelics Law Symposium

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 1:00 PM to 5:15 PM

On March 12, Michael F. Schaff will moderate the New Jersey State Bar Association's 7th Annual Cannabis and Psychedelics Law Symposium. 

This 2025 update will provide crucial information for your practice in the ever-evolving industry of cannabis and psychedelics law.

The program agenda includes: 

  • 1:00 | Welcome - Michael F. Schaff, Esq.

  • 1:10 | Cannabis Scheduling, Rescheduling and De-scheduling: The Practical Impacts for Cannabis Businesses
    Speakers: Sarah Powell, Esq.; Seth Tipton, Esq.

  • 1:45 | What You Need to Know About WIRE: A discussion on the anticipated future of WIRE Interim Guidance of 9.09.22.
    Speaker: David White, Esq.

  • 2:20 | Hemp 2025 – The Feds, State, Courts, And Path Forward: This panel will summarize and describe action by the federal government regarding the Farm Bill, recent statutory amendments in New Jersey regarding state law pertaining to hemp and intoxicating hemp products, the current challenge to this state action by plaintiffs-appellants in the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals case Loki Brands v. Platkin, and the path forward for hemp at the federal and state level. If time permits, the panelists will take questions from attendees.
    Speakers: Joshua S. Bauchner, Esq.; Brittany A. Bonetti, Esq.; Daniel T. McKillop, Esq.; John D. Williams, Esq.

  • 3:05 | The World of Emerging Therapies: A discussion on cannabis, ketamine, and other psychedelics and how they integrate into the healthcare system.
    Speaker: Lisa Gora, Esq.

  • 3:50 | I Thought I Could Only Have One Retail License: Learn how to expand your retail brand in New Jersey, and gain insight into the implementation and outcome of the 35% equity rule and an introduction to franchising.
    Speakers: Mollie Hartman Lustig, Esq.; Lisa Linkowsky, Esq.; Chirali Patel, Esq.; Sarah Trent, Esq.; Ivan Tukhtin, Esq. 

  • 4:45 | Expungements: An update on pending legislation and how to file an expungement.
    Speakers: Valisha Desir, Esq.

  • 5:15 | Adjourn

NJ CLE information: This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4.8 hours of total CLE credit (Full Credits Available: NJ General: 4.8).

For more information and to register, please visit the event page

Tag: Cannabis Law

*Cannabis Law Disclaimer: Per federal law, under the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana is categorized as a Schedule I controlled substance.  Possession, use, distribution, and/or sale of cannabis is a Federal crime and is subject to related Federal policy, regardless of any state law that may authorize certain marijuana activity.  Compliance with state marijuana law does not equal compliance with federal law.  Legal advice provided by Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A. is designed to counsel clients regarding the validity, scope, meaning, and application of existing and/or proposed cannabis law. Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A. will not provide guidance or assistance in circumventing or violating Federal or state cannabis law or policy, and any advice provided by Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, P.A. should not be construed as such.

Michael F. Schaff Photo

Michael F. Schaff
Co-Chair, Corporate, Health and Cannabis Law Teams