Friday, June 29, 2018
Wilentz Real Estate Co-Chair Todd E. Lehder will moderate and co-present with Wilentz Land Use Chair Steven J. Tripp the seminar entitled "Commercial Real Estate Transactions: From Handshake to Closing," hosted by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education. Designed for attorneys who represent sellers, buyers, landlords, tenants, commercial real estate owners and developers, the program will provide an overview on how to navigate complex issues in commercial real estate transactions, including environmental, financing, leasing, insurance, title, and land use due diligence.
Mr. Lehder, who also serves as program coordinator, will discuss the negotiation of sale agreements and how to handle contract issues. Mr. Tripp will discuss initial diligence and how to obtain required land use approvals.
This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 7.6 hours of total CLE credit. Of these, 1.0 qualify as hours of credit for ethics/professionalism.
Todd E. Lehder
Steven J. Tripp
Co-Chair, Land Use Group