Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Brett Harris will present at a live national teleconference entitled “Top 8 Nonprofit Board Governance and Liability Landmines to Avoid - NOW!” which is targeted to attorneys and accountants representing tax exempt entities. Ms. Harris will discuss the following topics: Fiduciary Roles and Responsibilities; Bylaw Mistakes, Board Policy-Making Pitfalls, Use of Committees; Documentation of Actions by the Board; Protection for Board Members: Indemnities, Insurance; IRS and Federal Tax Law Noncompliance; Private Inurement/Private Benefit, Compensation Issues; Failure to Protect the Organization's Intellectual Property; and Failure to Adequately Address Privacy, Security, and Safety Concerns.
The teleconference is eligible for credits as Continuing Legal Education and Continuing Professional Education for Accountants in various jurisdictions. This teleconference has also been chosen to be simulcast through West Legal Ed center as a webcast.
Brett R. Harris